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Quality Products & Trained Professionals
We offer only the finest products to suit your building needs and budget. All of our work is performed by qualified, trained, professionals and mechanics. We can provide all tradesmen concerning your home, office, or commercial space. Our staff has proven their craft through years of involvement, and dedication to our company personally.
- Kitchens & Baths
- Additions & Renovations
- Roofing ,Siding & Stucco
- Interior & Exterior Painting
- Windows & Hurricane Shutters
- Decks, Porches, Balcony's & Pergola's
- Granite, Stone & Tile Design and Installation
- One contractor, all trade services for the entire job
Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction
We guarantee all of our work unconditionally. Our job is not completed until you're 100% satisfied with its outcome. Once you become our client, Bodei Contracting will establish a relationship that will have you comfortable calling on us for anything regarding your ongoing, or completed project.